Throughout the year, we offer four classes that we think will help you grow in your relationship with God. These classes are designed to help you learn more about our church and the plans that God has for you. Each CLASS is taught by our Pastor and is held right after our Sunday Service from 11:30am-12:30pm. Each class will be taught over two Sundays. For more information about when these classes will be offered, email us at

Class 101: Faith & MEmbership 

CLASS 101 is our basic introduction to our church family and is designed to clearly explain who we are and what we believe. The CLASS is divided into two sessions:

  • Our Story with God 
  • Our Church 

 At the end of the CLASS there will be an opportunity for you to decide whether or not you'd like to be a member of our church or to wait and decide at another time. 

Class 201: Walking with the LORD 

Do you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus? CLASS 201 will help you to develop the habits you need to see more of Jesus in your life. It will give you an overview of the three basic spiritual habits every Christian needs in order to grow: 

  • Daily Time with God (prayer and Bible reading) 
  • Giving
  • Fellowship 

Class 301: Discovering your Gifts 

In CLASS 301, you'll discover your S.H.A.P.E. In CLASS 301, you'll discover the unique gifts God has given to you. In this class, we'll begin the process of identifying your gifts and places where you can use them. 

Class 401: Paying it Forward 

In CLASS 401, you'll learn how to share your journey with God. Your own story of how God has worked in your life is one of the most effective tools you have for connecting people to God. In CLASS 401, you'll learn how to communicate that story to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and to people around the world.